error report in 5.09


Whenever I use 5.09 I get error log below. Can anyone help me?




RobotStudio debug file.
Main Thread ID: b4
Crashing Thread ID: 728
Exception Address: 60062506
Exception Thread StartAddress: 6006244d
Crash time: 9948968
   Type:CM_DEBUGSTATE_APICALL Time from crash:0 ms State:ABB::Robotics::RobotStudio::Project::IsDirty::get
   Type:CM_DEBUGSTATE_UNDOSTEPNAME Time from crash:513359 ms State:??(S)
Done! 3 entries.

    910250  Key: MainGUIThread  Value: b4
    868203  Key: LgVCHelper::ThreadFunc  Value: ba0
    845218  Key: Executing Command  Value: ViewSetApplicationModeProgramming
    845015  Key: Executing Command  Value: Done
    840656  Key: Executing Command  Value: RapidActivateProgramEditor
    837547  Key: Executing Command  Value: Done
    800953  Key: Executing Command  Value: RapidModuleApply
    800703  Key: Executing Command  Value: Done
    797703  Key: Executing Command  Value: ViewSetApplicationModeLayout
    797422  Key: Executing Command  Value: Done
    797312  Key: Executing Command  Value: ViewFreehandRefGlobal
    797297  Key: Executing Command  Value: Done
    653500  Key: Executing Command  Value: SimulationPlay
    653437  Key: ThreadedFormHelper  Value: 550
    653031  Key: Executing Command  Value: Done
    633515  Key: Executing Command  Value: ViewSetApplicationModeProgramming
    633390  Key: Executing Command  Value: Done
    551781  Key: Executing Command  Value: ViewSetApplicationModeLayout
    551390  Key: Executing Command  Value: Done
    513359  Key: Executing Command  Value: FileSaveStation
    513328  Key: ThreadedFormHelper  Value: ac
    512500  Key: Executing Command  Value: Done
    7703  Key: ExceptionHandler: Caught exception in OLE thread. It sleeps with the fishes.  Value: 728


  • Hi Yu,

    There is a Service Pack for RS 5.09 coming up soon. The Service Pack will hopefully solve your problem. It will be available from the usual download places and an availability notification will be sent to all RobotStudio subscribers.

    Kind regards,



    Henrik Berlin
  • Hi Henrik,

    I was curious when that service pack is actually coming out, My robot studio is crashing constantly on me, I contacted tech support they have not contacted me back now for about 4-5 days, it is difficult to complete my work in rs when I have to restart it multiple times.

    Thanks in Advance,

    dh_custompak2010-05-30 04:32:46
  • Hi Dustin,

    OK, just because it is you...image

    Please let me know if it solves your problem.

    Kind regards,



    Henrik Berlin
  • Hi Henrik,

    Thanks A Lot!image

    Thanks Again,


    dh_custompak2010-05-30 04:34:08
  • so far it seems to have fixed the constant crashing it still did crash on me once when I was changeing the texture of a part but it seems to be, so far, doing better.

    Thanks again,

    dh_custompak2010-05-30 04:32:34