RobotStudio event

write and use a csv. file with my robot

Hello! I am trying to measure the force generated by my robot and write it to a CSV file. What I need is for the force measured by the sensor to be written to the document so that I can access it later. How does the Open() function work? What is the difference between "HOME:" and "PC:"? I would be very happy if someone could provide me with an example of how to write information to a document and then access it from my computer. Thank you!


  • lemster68
    lemster68 ✭✭✭
    edited October 15
    Here is another example:

    MODULE OffsetLog
      ! * Copyright (C) 2019 Lee Justice
      ! *
      ! * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      ! * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      ! * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      ! *
      ! *
      ! * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
      ! * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
      ! * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
      ! * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
      ! * limitations under the License.

      ! Module Name: OffsetLog
      ! Version:     1.0
      ! Description: !  This module shows how to make a text file for logging
      !                 data.  A lot of people like to make a .csv file to
      !                 open with excel.  I prefer the readability of a text
      !                 file. With some adaptation, you could change it to
      !                 write a .csv file
      ! Date:        2019-10-18
      ! Author:      Lee Justice
      ! Data logging module to record trueview offsets
      ! provided to R62 for roof load onto car.
      ! Boolean bQuiet is switch to turn on or off
      ! TPWrites as desired.
      ! Boolean bLogData is switch to turn on or off
      ! the data logging altogether.
      ! Numeric nFreeFlashPer is the percent value
      ! of flash drive free space below which the
      ! program will erase the log file and begin a new
      ! file, so the flash drive will not fill up.
      ! Adjust as desired.
      ! Created: 10-09-2011
      PERS string ActiveStylString;
      PERS num nXoffset;
      PERS num nYoffset;
      PERS num nFreeFlashPer:=32;
      PERS bool ComDevIsOpen:=FALSE;
      PERS bool bQuiet:=FALSE;
      PERS bool bLogData:=FALSE;
      PROC rLogOffsets()
        VAR iodev datalog;
        VAR string stDate;
        VAR string stTime;
        VAR num nFreespace;
        VAR num nTotalspace;

        IF bLogData THEN
          IF ((nTotalspace-nFreespace)/nTotalspace)*100<nFreeFlashPer THEN
            IF ComDevIsOpen Close datalog;
            Open "HOME:"\File:="Offsets.txt",datalog\Write;
            Write datalog,stDate+", "+stTime+", "+"New offset data log created.";
            ErrWrite\W,"File removed","Removing Offsets.txt from the HOME directory."\RL2:="To keep flash drive from filling.";
            IF ComDevIsOpen Close datalog;
            Open "HOME:"\File:="Offsets.txt",datalog\Append;
            Write datalog,stDate + ", " + stTime + ", " + ActiveStylString + ", " + " nXoffset is: "\Num:=nXoffset\NoNewLine;
            Write datalog,", nYoffset is: "\Num:=nYoffset;
            Close datalog;
            IF bQuiet THEN
            ! Do nothing, only silence TPWrites
            TPWrite "The file containing the offset data is  in the HOME directory.";
              TPWrite "Use the File Manager to retrieve a copyof Offsets.txt.";
        TEST ERRNO
          IF ComDevIsOpen Close datalog;
          Open "HOME:"\File:="Offsets.txt",datalog\Write;
          Write datalog,stDate+", "+stTime+", "+"New offset data log created.";
          Close datalog;
          ! An unanticipated error has occurred
          ! see system variable ERRNO for cause.
    Lee Justice