Signal Analyzer Online doesn't record signal changes

I'm using the Signal Analyzer Online on Robotstudio 2024.3.1 and I am having an issue recording digital I/O signals. Whenever a signal changes, the entire recording of that signal is the current state of the signal. For example, lets say a digital signal is low at the start of a 20 sec recording, then turns high 10 seconds in. At the end of the 20 seconds, the recording would show the signal as if it was high for the whole 20 seconds. I've tried previous versions of Robotstudio, and using a different PC, both with the same results. Has anyone else experienced this?


  • TomF
    edited February 12
    I have the same issue. Even if I am connected in RS to just a real robot, the digital IO signals have no history, the entire timeline is either on or off. It's easy to test, just connect to a controller, and in the Signal Setup select IoPanel/MotLmpPb.  This signal blinks on an off when the robot is in teach mode. When you start the recording, the whole line is either on or off, and goes on that way forever.  No signal history is actually being recorded.