[Wish] Synchronize path to station

When I right-click a path, I get the option to "Synchronize to RAPID...".
I would like the option to Synchronize to Station and get the path pre-selected in the popup dialog. 
Systemintegrator - Web / C# / Rapid / Robotstudio

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☑️2024 - RobotStudio® User Group


  • Hi...
    I don't know if this option exists! Why would it be necessary?
    In the Simulation tab, when you create a path using the drawing tools  don't have the Synchronize To RAPID option, this is missing. Therefore, this option is a way to synchronize without having to navigate between tabs. However, if you created a path using RAPID, you can synchronize it using the Synchronize To Station shortcut on the toolbar.
  • Well I got a system with over 100 procs, but only 10 contains movements. 
    So I want to write rapid (change offsets and so on..) and then update the station with the new values.

    But I don't want to search for the proc in a list with over 100 procs when I know I only want to sync one path. 

    So it would be perfect to have the same function as Synchronize to RAPID... but reversed.
    Systemintegrator - Web / C# / Rapid / Robotstudio

    If I helped, please press Vote Up  :smile:

    ☑️2024 - RobotStudio® User Group
  • Second this. Either that, or have the path list filterable by module?