Where I can find some some formula for calculation of angles ?

Hello All 

I need  calculate the  angle  data for  . mod  prog   from  angles  rotated  around  axis  X Y Z . 
There is  four  numbers  whitch  do not give me sense .  
Is there  some  calculation  conversion  betwean  angles  and  this  four numbers ?


  • Hello,
    Four numbers are quaternions. They are orient type value.
    You can convert them to Euler angle using EulerZYX function.
    Look at RAPID Instruction, Functions and Data types help file for examples.

    ☑️2024 - RobotStudio® User Group

  • Ok, but I need convert this  axis rotation not in IRC5 but in small application where will be nown only rotation around X or Y or Z .  It will be spray application  where are visible only  trajectories and points with all data included the angels of tools axis .  After modification of each point in application prog mod will be saved that means will be created  PROG_*.mod  and send to IRC5 . 
    I need some formula for calculation . 
  • Have you had a look at reltool - this adds a rotation relative to the tool (round the x, y, or z axis) to a robtarget in the motion command.
  • I've made a little program to convert Euler from/to Quaternions.
    Here the functions:
    It's written in VB.net.

    ☑️2024 - RobotStudio® User Group