How to abort move in trap?

Hi. I have the task of moving the robot to the service position. I am currently working on returning it to the previous point through a trap. And I can't solve one point: after the signal is given, the robot returns back, but if the signal is gone, the robot must stop and continue moving in its original path, i.e. the robot must not reach the previous point. I know that StepBwdPath exists. I will be glad of any help.


  • If I understand correctly, you are moving along a path, then if a signal goes high, a trap routine is triggered which returns the robot to a previous point? And if that signal goes low while it's moving to the previous point, it should abort that movement and resume the original path? That is a tricky one because you are already in a trap routine. If you have option 624-1 Continuous Application Platform, you can pass your signal into a CapL instruction as a "supervised" signal, meaning the robot will stop if the signal drops during that path.

    If you're unfamiliar with CAP, you can learn more from the Application manual - Continuous Application Platform (3HAC050990-001)
  • sbrown1 said:
    If I understand correctly, you are moving along a path, then if a signal goes high, a trap routine is triggered which returns the robot to a previous point? And if that signal goes low while it's moving to the previous point, it should abort that movement and resume the original path? That is a tricky one because you are already in a trap routine. If you have option 624-1 Continuous Application Platform, you can pass your signal into a CapL instruction as a "supervised" signal, meaning the robot will stop if the signal drops during that path.

    If you're unfamiliar with CAP, you can learn more from the Application manual - Continuous Application Platform (3HAC050990-001)
    Thanks for information.