IRB 1600 locked up after manual jog install/upgrade

Good morning I have a bot that I just recently had a manual jog upgrade done to it. I was informed that I could still run the old programs until I could develop and build a multi sided fixture/jig for a part our bot welds. the old fixture was one sided and was limited on the production that came off of it that's why we had the manual jog installed. the first time we tried to run anything on it after the install I had my operator double check the points in the programming b4 running it and the positioner locked up first. then the bot its self-locked up and is locked up to a point now none of the axis will work at all. Any ideas on what may be going on? Right now I am at a total loss anything would help thank you.


  • I don't understand what you mean by manual jog, all robots can be jogged in teach.  You mentioned a positioner, is that what was added?  Error numbers and the accompanying text will be most useful.
    Lee Justice
  • graemepaulin
    edited December 2024
    Presume the positioner is one of the indexing type and the manual jog is so you can rotate the positioner on the load side while the robot is working on the other side?

    How was the manual jog interfaced into your safety system?
    From memory your need to have the MultiMove option installed for manual jog to work.

    Post edited by graemepaulin on
  • I'm in a discussion with an abb tech right now it's not the manual jog itself it may have something to do with the break release unit itself. so hopefully we can get this issue figured out quickly. thank you very much for your response it is much appreciated.