How to move by instruction to a joystick-edited position while executing a program in manual mode?


!In manual mode ROB reaches a Target.
1: MoveL RelTool(Target,0,0,45),vX,fine,tGripX\wobj:=wobjX;
2: Stop;
!Here is ROB moved by joystick to a new position then pushed button "Play" on Pendant.
3: pCurrentPos:=CRobT(\Tool:=tGripX\wobj:=wobjX);    !New position saved.
4: MoveL pCurrentPos,vX,fine,tGripX\wobj:=wobjX;    !Stay in new position.
5: MoveL Target2,vX,fine,tGripX\wobj:=wobjX;    !Go to next position.

Problem: motion pointer remains on line 1 and ROB moves back to Target after "Play" instead of continuing from pCurrentPos to Target2.

Is there any other option than use "PP to Cursor" and start program from line 3?

Thank you, C.

Best Answer

  • Forge_Engineering
    Answer ✓
    Hi Crhak,

    You could try changing your stop command to:

    Typically when the program stops and the robot is moved, if the program is started again the robot will try to regain it's position, moving back to where it was when the stop occurred and then continuing onwards.

    The \NoRegain option means that the robot does not try to go back to where it was when program execution was stopped. I frequently use this to teach the robot positions mid program where I want it to store positions and then execute using the new positions.

    Good Luck,



  • Hi Harry, thank you very much for your help to less skilled people, that's exactly what I need. C.