🚀 AppStudio is Launched! A new SoftWare for all people setting up robot applications!

Katja ✭
edited January 16 in AppStudio

Highlights in first release:

- Create customs HMIs for the Omnicore FlexPendant, PC, Tablets and Smartphones via Drag and Drop.

-  Extend HMIs easily with your custom code.  

- Growing Screen Component and Code Library with great examples such as templates and drivers

 - Price for first release 0€

Download and try AppStudio: https://campaign-ra.abb.com/l/961042/2024-12-06/5t6584

Want to learn more:

Register for Webinar on 21st of January:  https://campaign-ra.abb.com/DiscoverAppStudio

Link e-learning for beginner
Link e-learning for experts
