Still the same error log in 5.09


I have the same error log as below in 5.09 though I have installed service pack1.

My version has got to 5.09.2189.166 after the installation.

Can anyone help me?




RobotStudio debug file.
Main Thread ID: d34
Crashing Thread ID: f2c
Exception Address: 60062506
Exception Thread StartAddress: 6006244d
Crash time: 1045406
   Type:CM_DEBUGSTATE_APICALL Time from crash:0 ms State:ABB::Robotics::RobotStudio::Project::IsDirty::get
   Type:CM_DEBUGSTATE_UNDOSTEPNAME Time from crash:43797 ms State:Move?????(C)
Done! 3 entries.

    912953  Key: MainGUIThread  Value: d34
    854797  Key: LgVCHelper::ThreadFunc  Value: a3c
    800453  Key: Executing Command  Value: ViewFreehandRefGlobal
    800344  Key: Executing Command  Value: Done
    779281  Key: Executing Command  Value: CreateTarget
    778641  Key: Executing Command  Value: Done
    776547  Key: Executing Command  Value: ViewSelectionLevelCurve
    776547  Key: Executing Command  Value: Done
    776031  Key: Executing Command  Value: ViewSelectionLevelSurface
    776031  Key: Executing Command  Value: Done
    585281  Key: Executing Command  Value: ViewSelectionLevelPart
    585281  Key: Executing Command  Value: Done
    582610  Key: Executing Command  Value: ViewFreehandModeMove
    582547  Key: Executing Command  Value: Done
    579203  Key: Executing Command  Value: EditUndo
    578953  Key: Executing Command  Value: Done
    569078  Key: Executing Command  Value: AttachWorkobjectGroup
    566719  Key: Executing Command  Value: Done
    560531  Key: Executing Command  Value: EditUndo
    560422  Key: Executing Command  Value: Done
    357219  Key: Executing Command  Value: CreatePathContextMenuCommand
    357125  Key: Executing Command  Value: Done
    350188  Key: Executing Command  Value: ConfigurePath
    348141  Key: Executing Command  Value: Done
    339985  Key: Executing Command  Value: ConfigurePath
    338547  Key: Executing Command  Value: Done
    328766  Key: Executing Command  Value: ToolRotate
    328360  Key: Executing Command  Value: Done
    321406  Key: Executing Command  Value: ConfigurePath
    316594  Key: Executing Command  Value: Done
    52469  Key: Executing Command  Value: ConvertToMoveC
    52438  Key: Executing Command  Value: Done
    49922  Key: Executing Command  Value: EditUndo
    49828  Key: Executing Command  Value: Done
    43797  Key: Executing Command  Value: ConvertToMoveC
    43797  Key: Executing Command  Value: Done
    11219  Key: ExceptionHandler: Caught exception in OLE thread. It sleeps with the fishes.  Value: f2c