RobotStudio event

Is PickMaster Supported on Omnicore Robotware 7.x?

I'm trying to setup a pickmaster simulation using a flexloader 360 and two conveyors. On the Picking tab from the Picking PowerPac, I go to "Add Picking Controller" and select my virtual controllers. A warning message pops up saying my controller:

"is missing some of the following RobotWare options:
"709-1 DeviceNet m/s".
"642-1 Prepared for PickMaster" with suboptions "Number of conveyors" and "Number of I/O boards".
To enable simulation with PickMaster, these options must be added to the system.  At least one I/O board is required."

709-1 and 642-1 are not options that you can get for the omnicore controller. 

Is there a Pickmaster versiomn that does support Robotware 7?


  • Going through the Application manual for "Picking PowerPac for PickMaster 3", it does say that it supports RobotWare 6.10 or above, which probably means not RobotWare 7.