UIShow in RobotWare 7?


I need to open the program editor on the FlexPendant from my RAPID code. In RW5/6 I did so using the "UIShow"-command. In RW7, this command doesn't seem to be doing anything, it is also no longer a part of the RAPID Reference Manual.
I can load a module which contains an "UIShow" statement without errors to a RobotWare 7 controller, but it just seems to be doing nothing.

Does anyone know if there is a command with same functionality in RobotWare 7 and if so, what is it's name?



  • Hi ...
    Some functions were removed and/or had their names changed or now have more or less parameters.
    Others just changed the name of the parameter. I don't know why these changes were made, since they seem to do the same thing, so there was no need to change them.
    I believe it is to 'simulate' that there are new features.
    Take a look at the 'UIDisplay' function, which has the same parameters as 'UIShow', but the result seems to be more generic.
    Good work.