Can someone help with transferring a target found in the integrated vision to rapid

Ive managed to setup the calibrating and pattern finding. Im using the MoveToDetectedObject snippet and it gets to the part where it moves the robot but i dont understand how to setup the work object or robot target to get the found target

PERS wobjdata mywobj := ... ;
PERS tooldata mytool := ... ;
PERS robtarget myrobtarget := ... ;
CONST string myjob := "myjob.job";
VAR cameratarget mycameratarget;
PROC MoveToDetectedObject()
  CamSetProgramMode mycamera;
  CamLoadJob mycamera, myjob;
  CamSetRunMode mycamera;
  CamReqImage mycamera;
  CamGetResult mycamera, mycameratarget;
  mywobj.oframe := mycameratarget.cframe;
  MoveL myrobtarget, v100, fine, mytool \WObj:=mywobj;

mywobj.oframe := mycameratarget.cframe;, this line is supposed to copy the vision coordinates to the work object but i dont get how it transfers to myrobtarget.

Sorry if i explained this poorly i would greatly appreciate any guidance. Please let me knwo if theres other questions. Thank you so much


  • Hello,

    The robtarget myrobtarget is the offset and rotation according to the workobject mywobj.
    This robtarget do not change each time your camera triggers an image. 
    if myrobtarget is 0,0,0 with orientation 1,0,0,0 your TCP will move to the exact vision point.

    this is a copy from the manual:

    Gripping a part is often not the same as moving the TCP to the target reported by the camera. Often this position must first be offset and rotated by some value to accommodate a good grip. The easiest way to do this is by jogging the robot to the specified position and then modify the position
    1. Make sure that only one part is visible to the camera. Run the program in the previous example down to the MoveL instruction and stop the execution.
    2. At this point the object frame of mywobj has been modified and the correct tool, mytool, is activated.
    3. Verify that the part was successfully located by the vision camera.
    4. Jog the robot to a good gripping position. 
    5. Mark the position myrobtarget and tap Modify Position.
    6.  Run the program from the top and make sure that the part is gripped according to the taught position.
    7. Move the part and run the program from the top again
  • kioog said:

    The robtarget myrobtarget is the offset and rotation according to the workobject mywobj.
    This robtarget do not change each time your camera triggers an image. 
    if myrobtarget is 0,0,0 with orientation 1,0,0,0 your TCP will move to the exact vision point.

    this is a copy from the manual:

    Gripping a part is often not the same as moving the TCP to the target reported by the camera. Often this position must first be offset and rotated by some value to accommodate a good grip. The easiest way to do this is by jogging the robot to the specified position and then modify the position
    1. Make sure that only one part is visible to the camera. Run the program in the previous example down to the MoveL instruction and stop the execution.
    2. At this point the object frame of mywobj has been modified and the correct tool, mytool, is activated.
    3. Verify that the part was successfully located by the vision camera.
    4. Jog the robot to a good gripping position. 
    5. Mark the position myrobtarget and tap Modify Position.
    6.  Run the program from the top and make sure that the part is gripped according to the taught position.
    7. Move the part and run the program from the top again
    thank you for this explanation, but im still having some trouble. Does it matter where the work object is defined as the point found is relative to the workobject? I manage to detect the pattern and move to it but its always 1-2 cm off where the detected point in the integrated vision is. it says my calibration is good but im not sure, could that be the issue?