Tool Mounting

Good Morning,

I am very new at RobotStudio and I was wondering if some one may be able to help me attach my tool properly. No matter what I do I cant seem to get it to mount the way I would like.image

If someone could be able to help me I will gladly post a zip file.

Thanks in advance


  • Send it to me and I will help you

    Per Svensson
    Robotics and Vision Specialist
    Consat Engineering
  • Thanks alot... i am trying to learn this to the best of my ability before i go for training.

  • Hi
    Here comes a new library. I'm not sure if the part is correct around Z but using instructions bellow I think you will be able to change it yourself.

    The key to get things attach to the correct position is to change local origin in modeling mode.
    1. Set local origin to the position on the part you want to be the attach point you may also need to change orientation .
    2. Set position relative world values all to zero.
    3. Test that it attaches where you want.


    Per Svensson
    Robotics and Vision Specialist
    Consat Engineering
  • Thanks alot.