RobotStudio event

Program Pointer Movement Limiting Motion In World Zones?

edited March 4 in IRC5
I have one motion task running a robot. I've set up a world zone at a service position. I want to display a message on the pendant if the program pointer is moved while the robot is at that service position. I've got a semistatic task constantly checking for the IO signal set by the world zone, but I'm not sure how to check if the PP has moved in the motion task from the semistatic task. The function PPMovedInManMode and IsStopStateEvent(\PPMoved) only seem to apply to the task where the PP is moved within. Can this be done another way?
Post edited by jbultman on


  • One solution I've found is to set up event routines for Start, Restart, and Step events that call a proc to check if the world zone IO is high and if the program pointer has been moved. Program is stopped if both are true.