Feature requests - AppStudio

edited March 7 in AppStudio
After using AppStudio for a short while, there are several features I would like to see implemented which I believe would greatly enhance its usability.

  1. Ability to use TComponents.Button to control DO directly in a momentary fashion.
    Either by pulsing in onClick behaviour or by toggling in onPointDown and onPointRelease
    I've been able to achieve this using
    API.RWS.SIGNAL.setSignalValue("mySignal", 1,{});

  2. Ability to pass parameters to procedures when using API.RAPID.startExecution

  3. Ability to link components to the value of an Analog input/ouput and a Group input/output.  At present only digital signals are accepted so the only way to display an AI for example is the link that AI to a num variable and connect the component to that instead.

  4. Ability to use at least not equal to in the component state (preferably also < and >) so that for example a component can be enabled only when a specific criteria exists.
    In my case, I have a GO and I only want the component activated if the value = 2
    Present functionality seemingly requires I have a state condition for all other possibilities.
Some of this might already be possible using user created functions, but the documentation seems pretty sparse in regards to interacting directly with teh controller and/or RAPID

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