TriggIO and Fixed Position Events

Hi, I'm using a trigger instruction to reset an output signal while moving. However when compiling it says :
"Error 161 Option is missing : The instruction TriggIO requires the option Fixed Position Events". Which I can't find in the manual!

My code looks like this:

VAR triggdata trigger_release;

and in proc main() :

TriggIO trigger_release, 0 Start DOp:=zonen_bokad_DO,0;
TriggJ target_b,v100,target_release,z10,AW_GunWObj:=wobj0; &n bsp; 

What does this mean and how do I solve it?


  • Hi
    To be able to use Trigg instructions you need the option "Fixed Position Events". For a virtual controller that's easy just use System Builder and create a system with the options you need. For a real controller you need to order the  robot with that option. 
    Per Svensson
    Robotics and Vision Specialist
    Consat Engineering
  • Ok, thank you very much. Will try that immediately. Can i change the system properties of my virtual controller now, or do I need to create a new system and start from scratch and add the program modules to that system?
  • You can modify an existing system but you need to restart it(I Start in RS) which will wipe out your modules so save them first.
    Per Svensson
    Robotics and Vision Specialist
    Consat Engineering
  • How do I add these parameters, as all I can see in the system configuration dialog is Add parameters to the system, which requires .cfg files to be added..?
  • Start system builder from menu controller and select your system and press modify and then press next until you get to the "Modify Options" dialog and check option 609-1. 

    Per Svensson
    Robotics and Vision Specialist
    Consat Engineering
  • Thanks a lot, Per!