3 new bugs in RS 5.0 9


Hi, I am currently using 5.09 and have the step converter.

If I import a stepfile and save the station after import, every thing is ok, but the next time I open the same station the stepfile is NOT visible even thoug it is set to VISIBLE in the object interface.Then i have to delete the file in RS, then import the file again, save it as LIB-file and import the file as a LIb-file.This is VERY anoying and very time consuming.And why bother to buy a stepconverter if it dosent work???

Also If i Select "selection level part" and holds shift down to select multiple parts in the RS window, RS select the intire station.This didnt happen in 5.08

Alsoi have dicovered a couple of times that when importing a geometry,and then begin working with it, if then UNDO is used for about 6-7 times then the VC chashes. 

Looking forward to hearing from someone.

Kent Zibrandtsen
Dept manager robot welding