Creating a track from a mechanism


I need to create a system with an inverted IRB6620 mounted to a Gudel gantry integrated as a track motion.  I've been gathering all the help files and samples I can find to try sorting this out. 

First question is whether anyone can point to info about creating a track from a mechanism.  I think I need to have a .cfg file for the controller to recognize the mechanism as a track.

Secondly:  I was trying to follow the example for creating a system with one robot and a track motion (using the New Controller System Wizard and substituting a IRB6620 for the IRB4400 in the example ).  In the last step (DriveModule1 / Additional axes configuration) there is no listing for the IRB6620 robots.  Any suggestions what selections might work here?

Thanks, and best regards,



  • Hello,

    If the mechanism is made as an "External Axis" in the "Create Mechanism" tool, you can use it as a track. But it is correct that you need a .cfg file for the track. These files comes with the RS installation. In the folder "C:Program FilesABB Industrial ITRobotics ITRobotStudioABB LibraryTracks" you will find cfg files for different track lengths and for different tasks (if you have a MultiMove system).

    For the additional axes configuration, you can select a drive module for IRB 6600 (Drive Win pos Y2)

    Best regards,
    Anders Spaak
    ABB Robotics
  • Hi Anders,

    Thank you so much for the helpful info.


