RobotStudio event

Measuring distances along curved surfaces

I work in the thermal spray coating field where we coat parts with unusual surface curvature. Our process requires keeping the spray tool normal to the surface within a +/- 10 degree tolerance, and an offset between passes of 12 mm.

I was wondering if there is a feature in Robot Studio that will allow me to plot points at 12 mm intervals along a path on the curved surface of the part, or if there is any other software that can?


  • Hi
    There aren't any functions for this in the standard product but it's possible to do this using VBA and the method CreateTargetOnCurve.
    Per Svensson
    Robotics and Vision Specialist
    Consat Engineering
  • And if you like to create curves on a surface you could use the functions CurveAlongU and CurveAlongV.
    AutoCad Mechanical desktop has functions for creating curves(wires) on a surface that you can import to RS(as iges) and use to generate targets.

    Per Svensson
    Robotics and Vision Specialist
    Consat Engineering