RobotStudio event

External Axis - Reset Counter

Following my last post, I have an other question.

I need to be able to reset the counter of my external axis (MTC 250 rotary table) by programmation.

I have a HOME position which is the zero of the table. If I move the table by, say, 730 degrees, I want my MoveTable program to only move the table to 720? and set this position to be the new zero.

Right now, my only option is to unwind the table for 2 rotations and 10 degrees. That process cost me a lot of time that could be avoided.

Again, thanks for your help!



  • Hi Niklai

    I do just that with one of my robots like this :

    IndReset ROB_1, 6RefNum:=0Short;

    It's a part of the independent axis option though, but perhaps you can find something similar for your external axis?..   

  • Thanks a lot!!!

    I've tried that command with my external axis and it work perfectly.

    IndReset STN1, 1RefNum:=0Short;

    Thank you for your help, I greatly appreciate it.
