S4 controllers


I've just begun using RS 5. I think it is not compatible with s4 controllers, but i have designed a v21 controller station in RS3 and I wonder if there is any way of simulate it in RS 5


Thank you in advance.


PS:More accurately, I'm interested in running a IRB2400_M94 robot.

vleon2007-8-14 11:51:15
Victor - En essayant!!


  • Hi,

    Unfortunately, RS 5 is not backwards compatible with S4 controllers. If you want to use a v21 controller you must use RS 4.0 or earlier.

    However, we have some RS customers that have a mixed environment of S4 and IRC5 controllers. In order to avoid having to use both RS 4 and RS 5 they have setup IRC5 controllers that are similar to their S4 controllers. The IRC5 variants are only used for simulation purposes. In that case one must be very careful only to transfer the RAPID modules to and from the real controller as the configuration files are not compatible between S4 and IRC5. One must also ensure that the RAPID instructions used are compatible between S4 and IRC5. This is quite likely though, as the RAPID language tends to be more stable than the configuration file format.

    Kind regards,


    Henrik Berlin

  • Thanks Henrik.

    And what do you suggest me as as the most similar irc5 controller to the one I want(the IRB2400_M94)? Or at least, how can I manage the difference appearing if I connect, under RS5, the library of my robot to a IRC5 controller...


    vleon2007-8-17 2:45:36
    Victor - En essayant!!
  • Hi,<?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

    I'm sorry for the confusion caused. I erroneously assumed that the IRB2400_M94 was similar to one of the current variants of IRB2400 supported by IRC5, which is not the case. The arm lengths of IRB2400_M94 deviate from the later IRB2400 editions supported by IRC5.

    Kind regards,


    Henrik Berlin
  • Thanks for your help, Henri.

    As a last try, I'm wondering if it would be of any use to use the real controller of my S4 robot (via key id) in RobotStudio 5... It would be possible? Would it lead to much trouble?



    Victor - En essayant!!
  • Hi,

    The key.id for your S4 controller is not compatible with System Builder for IRC5.

    As you can see in the picture below, the armlengths differ for IRB2400_M94 (orange) and IRB2400_10 (pink) for IRC5 and IRB2400L (green) for IRC5. That prevents programs created for IRB2400_94 to be incompatible with the newer versions in general. You may get problems with robot configuration (confdata) or singularities when transferring programs between the different types due to the difference in arm lengths. Also you cannot use jointtargets, since the robot will go to a different point than anticipated due to the different arm lengths.


    However, maybe it is worth a try to create an IRC5 system for either IRB2400/10 or IRB2400L and try to run your S4 programs for IRB2400_M94. Remember only to re-use the program and not the configuration parameters. Also ensure that you do not use jointtargets. I cannot give any guarantee that it works as I have not tried it. I would try the IRB2400/10 robot, but adjusting the baseframe x=+8mm, and y=+122.5 mm compared to the baseframe of IRB2400_M94. That will make the tool0 coincide in the home position.

    Kind regards,

    Henrik Berlin