Multiple robots and baseframes


I have an RS station using multiple robots that I have positioned accordingly on stands and moved according to cell requirements.

The situation is that when I move a robot in location and orientation from the RS world origin, it requires the baseframe to be updated.

However, if I update the baseframe, when I take the program from RS to the actual robot, the targets and workobjects would not be the same as in the RS station since the baseframe on the actual robot has not been modified.

What would be the correct approach to moving the Robot in RS and getting all targets and workobjects to work correctly.

It wouldn't seem that just reteaching the workobjects would be enough?



  • Hi
    Use set taskframe on the controller node.
    Per Svensson
    Robotics and Vision Specialist
    Consat Engineering
  • Per,

    So after moving the Robots in the RS station, from the system configuration screen, would I select the 'Use Current Station Values' option or 'Controller Values' option.

    Then update the taskframe information with what exactly?

    I haven't been able to find much help info on much of this.  There is a help section about modifying the controller world, which is what I used to do in RS3.2, but I can't find the selections in RS5 that the help file calls out.  Basically the help section on 'MOdifying the controller world'.  What it references doesn't seem to exist anymore.


  • Hi
    Set task frames... works in the same way as Modify controller world in RS3 (but you don't need to shutdown the VC like in RS3).

    Set task frames also moves the robot model.


    Per Svensson
    Robotics and Vision Specialist
    Consat Engineering
  • Just right click on the controller node and select "Set task frames..."
    Per Svensson
    Robotics and Vision Specialist
    Consat Engineering
  • Ok, but what should be the settings under the system configuration screen?

    Should I select the 'Use Current Station Values' option or 'Controller Values' option?

    It would seem to me that any of those values should be set to zeros.

    Same for the calibration section as all zeros?

  • Also, I just updated the task frame for one of the robots and I get the message:

    'Baseframe changed in station, the controller baseframe must be updated and the controller restarted!'

    I guess I'm a little confused about how this all works.  I've tried a number of scenarios and they all seem to do similar things, but not what I am expecting(or hoping for).

    In my RS station, both robots have been moved away from the RS world by some amount.  My understanding is that I want the controller world to be moved for one of the robots and the other robots baseframe be defined based on the controller world.  Is this correct?

  • Hi
    In system config you modify the baseframes so in your case you should have zero values in the baseframe for each task as well as calibrate (this is if you want to take real life calibration values and apply to a model).

    - Controller values, means that the model will be position using the baseframe values in the controller.
    - Use current, means that rs will read the current position of the model and push those values down to the controller after pressing OK.

    Per Svensson
    Robotics and Vision Specialist
    Consat Engineering
  • I would recommend that you zero all baseframes values so that you get all the robots to the same position (graphical world).
    The controller will do a restart and you will get a question if you want to position the robot models wit hthe info from the controller, and you want to do that.
    Then use "set task frames" to position the robots where you want them.

    Create a frame at each robot position before you zero the positions becuase then you can use them as UCS and use that as reference in "set task frames" so you don't have to type down the values.


    Per Svensson
    Robotics and Vision Specialist
    Consat Engineering
  • Per,

    I have done all that.  Now, if I create a target for either of the robots say using wobj0, with a location of (0,0,0), that target should be created at the base of the robot, correct?

    In fact it creates it at the RS station world.

    Now I have each robot moved by the taskframe a certain distance from the RS station world.

    Where am I going wrong? 

  • When you create a target you must change reference from world to workobject in the create target dialog otherwise it will create target relative graphical world.

    Per Svensson
    Robotics and Vision Specialist
    Consat Engineering
  • So, wob0 in RS will always reference the graphical world, unlike with an actual robot referencing the base?

  • No it wobj0 reference in the same way but to be able to calculate where everything are in a 3D world you need kind of a zero point and that is the graphical world.
    All coordinate systems that are robot coordinate systems reference in the same way as in the real world.
    Per Svensson
    Robotics and Vision Specialist
    Consat Engineering
  • So when you select reference world in RS that's not the robot world it's the graphical world(zero point)
    Per Svensson
    Robotics and Vision Specialist
    Consat Engineering
  • Ok, I selected wobj0 but forgot to reference workobject instead of world in my point creation.

    Thanks for your help.