Subscribing to ValueChanged Events

I am having difficulty with something that "should" be simple - probably something I have overlooked.

I have written a FlexPendant App in C# using FlexPendant SDK/RAB 5.09/debugging with the Virtual FlexPendant. 

I am reading/writing RapidData values with no problem, however I cannot seem to get my RapidData "ValueChanged" event handlers to fire when the RapidData values are changed in the rapid code.

No problem with my controller events firing - just RapidData "ValueChanged" events.

Can someone help ?








  • This was a problem in RobotWare 5.09, aka 5.09.0166, that was fixed in 5.09.01, aka 5.09.1020. It only affected the Virtual IRC5. RussD2007-9-27 0:23:3
    Russell Drown
  • I am new to ABB products - not sure what Robotware is, but I am running Version 5.09.2188.166 of RobotStudio and the version of the FlexPendant SDK DLLs is 5.9.167 and I am debugging with the Virtual IRC5.  If I am indeed using an older version, how to I get an update?


  • Spoke too soon in my last post - System properties of the my Virtual IRC5 tell me I am using RobotWare version RW6.09_0166.  I assume I can download an update.


  • Update-This should have said "your" local ABB support organization.

    You can contact your local ABB support organization to get a download. One thing I forgot to mention is that you will only get ValueChanged events for PERS variables.

    RussD2007-9-27 17:26:31
    Russell Drown
  • Thanks Russell - I will do that.  Also, I am using PERS variables.


  • I was able to download and install the latest RobotWare 5.09.1020, however the System Properties of the Virtual FlexPendant still indicate RW5.09_0166. (and the problem still exists of course) Do I have to rebuild something? 
  • Did you make a new robot system in Robot Studio using 5.09.01 and are using that one to test your application?
    Russell Drown
  • No, so I just made a new system in Robot Studio 6.09.01 and the version is now updated and the problem is fixed.  Thank-you very much for your help.