RobotStudio event

Testing existance of items in VBA



What is the best way to test for the existance of a certain object, for instance a path? I tried:

if activeStation.paths("myPath")=null then

  Set myPath= ActiveStation.Paths.Add

end if


but this results in an error. Now I do it in an error handler, but is this the best way?



Jan-Jaap Kostelijk

:) Regards,


  • If you are searching for a named path then it's using a for loop, like this:

    Sub FindPath()
        Dim strS As String
        strS = InputBox("Input path to search for")
        Dim pthP As Path
        Dim pthFound As Path
        Dim blFound As Boolean
        For Each pthP In ActiveStation.Paths
            If pthP.Name = strS Then
                blFound = True
                Set pthFound = pthP
                Exit For
            End If
        If blFound = True Then
            MsgBox "Found the path: " & pthFound.Name
            MsgBox "Didn't find the path"
        End If
    End Sub

    But if you are just interested in if there is any paths at all then use count, like this:

    Sub AreThereAnyPaths()
        If ActiveStation.Paths.Count > 0 Then
            MsgBox "There are paths in the station."
            MsgBox "There are no paths in the station."
        End If
    End Sub

  • Here's another example

    Function CheckIfObjectExist(ObjectType As RsObjectType, myObject As String) As Boolean

        On Error Resume Next
        Dim tmpObject As RsObject
        Select Case ObjectType
            Case RsObjectType.rsObjectTypePath
                Set tmpObject = ActiveStation.Paths(myObject)
            Case RsObjectType.rsObjectTypeTarget
                Set tmpObject = ActiveStation.Targets(myObject)
        End Select
        If tmpObject Is Nothing Then
            CheckIfObjectExist = False
            Exit Function
        End If
        CheckIfObjectExist = True
    End Function

    Sub testObject()
        MsgBox CheckIfObjectExist(rsObjectTypePath, "Path1")
        MsgBox CheckIfObjectExist(rsObjectTypeTarget, "Target1:1")
    End Sub

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