DXF file on Floor

Is it possible to import a dxf file and place it on the floor.

I have a layout plan in dxf and it couldt be usefull to do that.

Best regards Klaus


Best Regards

Klaus Soenderhegn


  • Hi Klaus,

    No, it is not possible to import a dxf file into RS. But if you have AutoCad or Autodesk Mechanical Desktop you can try to open the file there, and then export it as an iges file. When you import the iges file to RS (if you have the iges converter option), the layout will come in as curves on the floor.

    We are planning to add features for import/export of layouts into RS, but yet it's not decided in what release.

    Best regards,
    Anders Spaak
    ABB Robotics
  • Hi Anders,

    please add this features as soon as posible in RS. It will be a very important tool.

    Best regards