RobotStudio event

eio.cfg newbie question

Am I allowed/recommended/supposed to edit this file?

If a copy of eio.cfg is edited offline, can/should it be FTP'ed to the bot to replace copy in /SYSPAR?

Are comments possible within the file and if so, how?

Is the file only read at boot time?

I find nothing in my documentation about direct edit of eio.cfg, is there any documentation available?

When I change IO setup from pendant I do not see time/date of this file change. Is there another copy somewhere else on the filesystem?




  • 1. Yes you can edit the eio.cfg file manually or offline, but you must be careful when you do this to avoid syntax errors, which may result in nasty startup problems. As a result, the best approach may be to use the built-in editing to get the syntax of a particular setting correct, then save the changes to the file, then copy and paste and edit the setting to make the rest of your changes.

    2. You always must load the changes to the file manually by using the Load Parameters functionality, copying the file to the flash disk is not sufficient.

    3. The only time configuration changes are made is when you do a warm start after a configuration change or if you do an I-Start. These steps either updates or recreates the configuration database. During a normal warm-start, the settings that are already commited to the configration database are used.

    4. The Pound Sign "#" is the comment character for .cfg files. The first line of the file must be left alone, also don't change any lines that have ":", as this is used to delimit configuration topics. Example:

    # ------------------------------------------------------------ --
    # Here is a comment.
    # Don't make any changes to the first line of the file
    # or to any lines with colons,
    # also don't make comments on the lines that
    # precede a configuration topic like EIO_UNIT:
    # ------------------------------------------------------------ ---
    -Name "DSQC652_2" -UnitType "d652" -Bus "DeviceNet1" -DN_Address 11
    -Name "di200Gun1Retracted" -SignalType "DI" -Unit "DSQC652_2" -UnitMap "0"
    -Name "di201Gun1Open" -SignalType "DI" -Unit "DSQC652_2" -UnitMap "1"

    5. In RobotStudioOnline, Help>System Parameters>Contents... provides a comprehensive reference to all configuration topics.

    6. When you edit parameters from the FP or RSO, you are making changes to the configuration database. Until you do a Save Parameters, these changes are not saved to the corresponding .cfg file. If you do an I-Start before saving your parameters, any changes you made but did not save will be lost.

    Note that you can have more than one file that your I/O (or other configuration domain) is loaded from, for instance for each different I/O device, rather than making one master eio.cfg. This makes your configuration more portable and reusable.


    Russell Drown
  • Thanks Russ image

    A concise and informative reply.

    System is up and running.jimtyrer2007-10-11 23:31:43