Robot Studio for S4C+ & IRC5

I have one (1) S4C controller, six (6) S4C+, and one (1) IRC5 (two more coming next month).

We have purchased Robot Studio 5.09, under the assumption, we will be able to use it with all three types of controllers. I have recently found a few people that say we can not use Robot Studio 5.09 for anything other than IRC5. Is this true? If so, is there an option that can be purchased to be able to use it with all three?

Dory E.2007-10-23 15:30:9
Dory England
Ridewell Corp.
Springfield, MO, USA

You are always too young to be old, but you are never too old to be young...


  • Only modules should be transfered from IRC5 to S4 controllers.

    When saving a program in IRC5 you will find that a folder is created containing a program file .pgf, and all the program modules are included. system module are not saved like S4

    The program file .pgf is an XML file that that lists the program modules saved within the program and therefore the progam folder.

    Like S4 you can save individual modules. which is what I would be transfering back to the S4 controllers.

    alternatively perform a backup and load modules seperately from the RAPID directory.

    You will only get a virtual FlexPendant in RS5 and not a TeachPendant as in RS4 for S4. so be careful not to use Instructions that are only recognised in IRC5 like User message boxes etc. 

    Hope this helps

    Simon Turner

    Senior Training Instructor

    ABB Robotics UK