

Currently I am trying to make the flex pendant tell the operator what tools are used for a program and what location they are in, I am trying to use UIMsgBox and I am calling strings up to tell the operator where the tools are meant to be, the problem I run into is we have about 4 tools, and they could be in 4 different locations for each program, basically what I was hoping to do was call a string within a string i.e. create the string "tool holder 1=" and then create another string "1/4 in. Router bit" or "4in Saw Blade"

So basically what I would want to accomplish is for UIMsgBox to combine those string on a single line, is this possible?


dh_custompak2010-05-30 04:33:35


  • Hello Dustin,

    You need to use the "+" to connect strings together. 

    PERS string stToolpos1 := " 1/4 in Router bit";

    UIMsgBox "Tool holder 1="+ stToolpos1;

    This will display on the FlexPendant as

    Tool holder 1= 1/4 in Router bit

    When doing this through the FlexPendant use the Expression button to call up the screen to add the + sign.


    Jim Proulx

    Attached is an example.


  • Thanks Jim, that will make things a lot more organized
