
Hello friends, I have a question on multitask, is there anyone can help me?

   We have a system, two robots connected to conveyor system (PLC), also a encoder with Profibus interface was conected to robots, for conveyor tracking use. Now sometimes robot responses to I/O signal very slow, is there because multitask is not used? We have software option multitask installed but not used in RAPID user programs.




  • sorry, forgot to mention: our robot is IRC5 controller and we use Profibus card to comunicate with Siemens S7-319 CPU.
  • Hi Memphiss.

    Did you Check -PollRate value in the card definition, in your EIO.CFG?
    I Don't think unused multitasking option is involved.


  • Hello Claudio

        Do you mean the sector of "EIO_BUS" in EIO.CFG file?

         Bellow is a sample of good one, not my robot:



          -Name "Virtual1"

          -Name "DeviceNet1" -BusType "DNET" -ConnectorLabel "First DeviceNet"

          -Name "Profibus1" -BusType "PBUS" -ConnectorLabel "Channel 1 (M)"
          -CfgPath "HOME/pbus_cfg.bin" -RecoveryTime 10


      While in my robot, this sector is:



          -Name "Virtual1"

          -Name "DeviceNet1" -BusType "DNET" -ConnectorLabel "First DeviceNet" 





  • No, I meant EIO_UNIT Section, like:


    -Name "Encoder" -Type "d354" -Bus "BASE" -Address "15"
     -Digin 11 -Digout 4 -Anin 2 -PollRate 20 -Param "Encoder_values"

    Usually -PollRate is ignored by ABB cards, but you can try....
  • Thank you Claudio

       I checked and now know that we do not use Poll rate, we let robot communicate automatically because we had some problem for example to start robot on same time (cycle time to read input output).