Question regarding Mastership


One little question that pops up now when I'm working along is, if there is a way to write to a variable in the controller, without the need for mastership, and the need to be in Auto.

In s4 Interlink I placed the vaiables that I wanted to access as PERS in a background task. Then I could access those variables in the background task without having the controller in Auto. And as they where PERS, they where reflected to the same declaration in the Maintask.



  • If you need to just set numerical values, you might consider using group IO signals to set the values, which works as long as your signals have the proper access level to write them in auto. I think RAPID write access requires Mastership at all times to modify.
    Russell Drown
  • Thanks for the Answer RussD,

    But, there is always a but image.

    I have large arrays of strings and num's that are recepies. What I was after was the ability to work with these recepies from the PC while the system is in for example teach mode.

    What I've done now is that I download all the recepies to local variables in the PC, and then continue working with them there. Then when done, and pressing a "save" button, I check the state of the controller, and if it is in anything else then "Auto", I ask the operator to change to Auto. This at least means that the system only need to be in Auto for a short while.

    I will ask this question to ABB support and see what they have to say.
