RobotStudio event

Transform part relative to UCS



I want to position a part relative to an UCS in VBA.  I Do the folowing:

Sets UCS

Define the Transformation

Then I would like to use The WCSToUCS, but this gives me troubles.






  • Hi Michael

    Here comes a example how to position relative

    This example will set part p1 to ucs and then position part p2 relativ ucs 100mm in X and 100 mm in Y

    Sub RelativeUCS()
        Dim p1 As Part
        Dim p2 As Part
        Dim t As New Transform
        t.x = 0.1
        t.y = 0.1
        t.z = 0
        t.Rx = 0
        t.Ry = 0
        t.Rz = 0
        Set p1 = ActiveStation.Parts(1)
        Set p2 = ActiveStation.Parts(2)
        ActiveStation.UCS = p1
        p2.Transform = UCSToWCS(t)

    End Sub


    Per Svensson
    Company Specialist
    ABB Automation Technology Products
  • Or here is another example:

    Sub RelativeMove()

        Dim tfmT As New Transform
        tfmT.x = 0
        tfmT.y = 0
        tfmT.z = 1
        tfmT.Rx = 0
        tfmT.Ry = 0.785398163397448 '45?
        tfmT.Rz = 0.785398163397448 '45?
        Dim prt1 As Part
        Set prt1 = ActiveStation.Parts.Add
        prt1.Transform = tfmT
        prt1.ShowCoordinateSystem = True 'displays the parts coord in the gfx
        MsgBox prt1.Name & " created."
        Dim prt2 As Part
        Set prt2 = ActiveStation.Parts.Add
        prt2.ShowCoordinateSystem = True 'displays the parts coord in the gfx
        MsgBox prt2.Name & " created."
        ActiveStation.UCS = prt1
        MsgBox prt1.Name & " set as UCS."
        tfmT.x = 0
        tfmT.y = 0
        tfmT.z = 0.5
        tfmT.Rx = 0
        tfmT.Ry = 0
        tfmT.Rz = 0
        prt2.Transform = UCSToWCS(tfmT)
        MsgBox prt2.Name & " placed 500 mm relative to direction of " & prt1.Name & "."
        MsgBox "Cleanup."
        ActiveStation.UCS = ActiveStation 'resets the UCS
        MsgBox "Cleanup finished."

    End Sub


  • Another example that use the RobotStudio Math Util (no need to set UCS). You need to add a reference to the RobotStudio Math util (tools

    This example only handles parts , but I think you get the idea, and it moves part2(p2) 100mm in part1(p1) x direction.

    If you have for example a lot of stuff in your station using the Math Util is much more faster than setting the UCS all the time.

    Sub MoveRelativeTo(MoveObject As Part, RelativeObject As Part, DirectionValues As Variant)
        Dim tmpTransform As Transform
        Dim tmpVector As RsMathVector
        Dim tmpMatrix As RsMathMatrix

        On Error Resume Next

        Set tmpTransform = RelativeObject.Transform
        tmpMatrix = RsMath_TransformToMatrix(tmpTransform)
        tmpVector.x = UnitToAPI(rsQuantityLength, DirectionValues(0))
        tmpVector.y = UnitToAPI(rsQuantityLength, DirectionValues(1))
        tmpVector.z = UnitToAPI(rsQuantityLength, DirectionValues(2))
        tmpMatrix.pos = RsMath_mult_mat_vec(tmpMatrix, tmpVector)
        MoveObject.Transform.Position = RsMath_MatrixToTransform(tmpMatrix).Position


    End Sub

    Sub TestRelative()
        Dim p1 As Part
        Dim p2 As Part
        Dim Values(0 To 2) As Variant
        'x,y,z directions
        Values(0) = 100
        Values(1) = 0
        Values(2) = 0
        Set p1 = ActiveStation.Parts(1)
        Set p2 = ActiveStation.Parts(2)
        MoveRelativeTo p2, p1, Values
    End Sub


    Per Svensson
    Company Specialist
    ABB Automation Technology Products