RobotStudio event

About RelTool

Hi everyone
i need your help,the robot type is IRB 6400 and the OS is S4C 3.0-4.
i want the robot to rotate 180 degree around its i program it like below:
MoveL  RelTool (p1, 0, 0, 0 Rx:=0Ry:=0Rz:= 180), v100, fine, tool1;
but when you run it,an error message will appear on the teachpendant,which says 50080:Position not compatible.
Position cannot be reached with the
given robot configuration,if you change180 degree to less than 135 degree,it can be run
what's the reason

thanks a lot!


  • Hi
    You need to turn of configuration, because the teached configuration on axis6 is different between p1 and rotated p1.

    And you do that like this


    Per Svensson
    Robotics and Vision Specialist
    Consat Engineering

  • The reason is that the robot don't now witch way to go to archive the configuration,  so it is limit to reorient more than 90 degrees to keep the robot on a liner path.<?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
    You can turn off the configuration check  whit  ConfLoff ;  and on ConfLon;
    divide the reorientation in more  points...
    MoveL  RelTool (p1, 0, 0, 0 Rx:=0Ry:=0Rz:= 90), v100, fine, tool1;
    !!  ok if   fine  is use before !!

    MoveL  RelTool (p2, 0, 0, 0 Rx:=0Ry:=0Rz:= 90), v100, fine, tool1;
    or  use MoveJ
    MoveJ RelTool (p2, 0, 0, 0 Rx:=0Ry:=0Rz:= 90), v100, fine, tool1;
    p2::=CalcJointT(RelTool (p1, 0, 0, 0 Rx:=0Ry:=0Rz:= 180),tool1);
    MoveABSJ  p2, v100, fine, tool1;
     P2:=CalcJointT(RelTool (p1, 0, 0, 0 Rx:=0Ry:=0Rz:= 180),tool1);

    MoveL  p1, v100, fine, tool1;  !more than 90 deggres
    or I think you <?:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />kan change the value of the recorded configuration to be betwen the 2 points. coresponding in your case to real position RelTool (p1, 0, 0, 0 Rx:=0Ry:=0Rz:= 90)
    PS. if the reorientation is more than 90 confdata will change by +/- 1

    MoveL instrucktion will give alarm if change by +/- 2   equals more than 180 degrees. if not ConfLoff ..!

    or if  confdata is set to [0,0,0,0] no configdata is used





  • Use   the instruction  confL/OFF
  • Thank you,PerSvensson,vulpes_h and Semircn

    all your solutions can solve this problem

    I really appreciate your help