API function for generating CurveAlongU?

In RS3.* API, there is a function Face.CurveAlongU. Does this or similar function exist in RS5?

Another function I am looking for is PathGeneration.CreateTargetOnCurve in RS3. Is this/similar function available in RS5?

Thank you very much



  • The function "CreateTargetOnCurve" is present in RS5 .... but have no clue about API ... sorry  i can't help you anny more becase my Computer is missing ..!

  • Hi
    The geometry functions in 5.09 API is very limited and the once you are requesting aren't implemented. A mouse wispered to me that there will be a lot more in the 5.10 API image but I guess we have to wait and see.
    Per Svensson
    Robotics and Vision Specialist
    Consat Engineering
  • thanks a lot for your information.

    Do you know when the 5.10 would be released?

  • Your Welcome
    No I don't know when but I hope it's gonna be soon.

    Per Svensson
    Robotics and Vision Specialist
    Consat Engineering
  • Hi John,

    5.10 will contain a number of new API methods, including:
    Body.CreateParametricCurveU(face, vParam)
    Body.CreateParametricCurveV(face, uParam)

    It should be released around Christmas time...

    Johannes Weiman
    Software Engineer
    ABB Robotics