RobotStudio event

External Axis

Is it in Robot Application Builder 5.09 possible to get the current external axis from the controller. Maybe through the active mechanical unit.


  • Hi,

    Is it the position of the external axis you need?

    Best regards,

    Ingela Brorsson
    Software Engineer
    ABB Robotics, Sweden
  • Yes that is what i need, but I fixed it now by a rapid program.
  • Hi,

    You are right. Today there does not seem to be any support for external axis in the MechanicalUnit.GetPosition method. This issue will soon be investigated by the RAB development team. The method ought to work for external axis as well. Thank you for drawing our attention to this issue.

    Best regards,

    Ingela Brorsson
    Software Engineer
    ABB Robotics, Sweden