RobotStudio event

Get rapid data


I try to use this exampel from the rab userguide

Dim aController As New ABB.Robotics.DataBinding.RapidDataBindingSource
Dim Rd As RapidData
Rd = aController.Rapid.GetRapidData(
"T_ROB1", "USER", "reg1")

but it tells Error 1 'Rapid' is not a member of 'ABB.Robotics.DataBinding.RapidDataBindingSource'. 

What do i do wrong

Best Regards

Klaus Soenderhegn


  • Hello,

    I understand that you must be coding an application for the FlexPendant (as the PC SDK does not have the RapidDataBindingSource class).

    Using the FlexPendant SDK there are two different ways of accessing RAPID data, and in your code you have mixed these in an inappropriate way. The code you submit is not an example from the User's Guide.

    The different ways to read and get notified of RAPID data changes are:

    1) Using the visual designer of VS 2005 and the FlexPendant GUI component RapidDataBindingSource. Then you set up the connections to RAPID data in the designer, and you do not write code. How to do this is detailed in the User's Guide section DataBinding of RAPID data and IO signals.

    2) Set up the connections to the RAPID data programatically, without any help from the visual designer. This was the only way to do it before 5.08 when there was no visual design at all available for the FlexPendant SDK. You should then use the Controller object (NOT the RapidDataBindingSource) to access the variable:

    Dim aController As New ABB.Robotics.Controllers.Controller
    Dim Rd As RapidData
    Rd = aController.Rapid.GetRapidData(
    "T_ROB1", "USER", "reg1")

    If you have just started using the FlexPendant SDK I suggest you start by using 1), as it is a lot easier. If you want to do it programatically, I recommend you to carefully study the User's Guide section Using the FlexPendant SDK - Using the Controller API - Rapid domain, as it is a little more complicated than one may think to read and write to RAPID data. Also - do use the 5.10 User's Guide, where how to work with RAPID data has been clarified compared to earlier releases (- the implementation has not changed, only the description in User's Guide).

    Ingela2007-12-20 15:44:31
    Best regards,

    Ingela Brorsson
    Software Engineer
    ABB Robotics, Sweden