RobotStudio event

I/O borad configuration

 I need to make some modification to an existing robot, S4 system. See the unit info from EIO.cfg:


-Name "SW_BOARD" -Type "d328" -Bus "BASE" -Digin 16 -Digout 16

      -Name "SIM_BOARD" -Type "eip000" -Bus "SIM" -Address "" -Digin 25
      -Digout 25

      -Name "SWCOM_BOARD" -Type "eip000" -Bus "SIM" -Address "" -Digin 25
      -Digout 25

      -Name "SW_SWIT1" -Type "reio" -Bus "SIM" -Address "" -Digin 64 -Digout 64

      -Name "SW_SWIT2" -Type "reio" -Bus "SIM" -Address "" -Digin 16 -Digout 16

      -Name "SW_SWIT3" -Type "reio" -Bus "SIM" -Address "" -Anin 8


   "SIM_BOARD" is an virtu I/O board which does not physically exist?

I see some I/O signal were defined under SIM_BOARD. So this signal is only for program use and can not be connected to real ouside equipment? 



  • Correct, SIM_BOARD" is an virtu I/O board which does not physically exist.


    SIM_BOARD is just a name, it's a simulated board connected to a simulated BUS (SIM).

    Just for program use, not for real equipment image