Exception dump in ProgramEditor

Any ideas on this one?  It comes up as soon as I do a cold-start.

RobotStudio .NET exception dump
Base exception:
SYS_CTRL_E_INVALID_CID: Invalid client id.
Controller error, no errinfo available; RobRapidModuleImpl.cpp[997];
   at ABBInternal.RapidServices.ModuleDocument.get_Text()
   at ABBInternal.RapidServices.ModuleDocument.GetTextAndBreakpoin ts(String& text, RobBreakpoint[]& breakpoints)
   at ABBInternal.RapidCommands.RapidEditorPresenter.TransferConte ntFromVCToEditor()

DanS2008-2-1 22:13:13


  • Hi Dan,

    It seems that you have a RAPID editor opened that has failed to re-connect to the controller after the restart. The editor is supposed to re-connect, check if the module is still in the controller (which it isn't after a cold-start) and close. Unfortunately, I could not reproduce the problem. Can you give some more information on the circumstances? Do you have a heavy system? How long time does it take for it to cold-start? Are other heavy applications running on the PC during the restart?

    Kind regards,


    Henrik Berlin