RS 5.10 Update

Didn't install RSO 5.10 because I'm running the EPS addin to RSO and if you install RSO 5.10 the addins won't work (5.09 addins) and they doesn't come with the RobotStudio 5.10 installation(RSO) only on the RW CD that's comes with the real robots and we haven't got any 5.10 robots yet.
So a good idea is to supply at least the RSO addins with the RS install.
Per Svensson
Robotics and Vision Specialist
Consat Engineering


  • Hi Per,

    Yes, this is a good idea! This will automatically be solved in 5.11 when RSO and RS will be one product.

    To get the RW5.10 CD before you upgrade your robots, please contact your local ABB contact who can help you with this.

    Best regards,

    Anders Jahnberg, ABB Robotics

    Best regards,
    Anders Jahnberg
    ABB Robotics
  • Hello Anders,

    What will happen to the free RSO that comes with a robot if you merge RSO and RS? How will it work?



    Janin Delorme, Ing. (P.Eng)
  • Hi Jet,

    You will be able to run only the "RSO parts" of RS and this will still be free.

    Best regards,

    Anders Jahnberg, ABB Robotics

    Best regards,
    Anders Jahnberg
    ABB Robotics