RobotStudio event

Install RAB

Hello ,

I have installed VS2005 Standard on my PC.

I installed RAB, but when I go to new project... there is no Flexpendant project to Start!

Any ideas what the problem is??

Thanks in advance

Adolf Wieser


  • GigiM


    I had the same problem with the italian release of VisualStudio 2005, I just removed it and installed the English release.

    Regards  Gianluigi

  • John Wiberg

    RAB has only been tested with the English version of Visual Studio, so if you are running Visual Studio in any other language I recommend that you switch to the English version so that you are running in the tested/supported environment.

    If you still want the project to appear in Visual Studio of another language you need to manually copy the projects to the correct language folder
    For C# copy from:
    For VB copy from:
    Where * is read from the registry in (VS2005)
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftVisualStudio8.0Insta llDir

    I think that German for instance is 1031...

    Then using the VS command prompt you can use "devenv /installvstemplates" commands to make VS read them at start up.