RobotStudio event

S4 RAPID program

  hello friends:

    I also have a question about multitask. I have a spot welding robot, IRB6400 ,M98,S4 controller, with multitask option.

   I found that all the background tasks, there are some module files (*.mod) and system module files (*.sys) I can not open with text editor. For example, in TASK1, there exist SWTOOL.sys, SWUSRC.sys and SWSUPB.mod. SWTOOL.sys and SWSUPB.mod can not open correctly with text editor, only  SWUSRC.sys can.

   But in SWUSRC.sys I can not see Proc main(). What is the problem?

Bellow is the content of SYS.CFG:



      -Name "MAIN" -Type "NORMAL"

      -Name "SW_PROC" -Prog 2

      -Name "SW_SUP" -Prog 1

      -Name "SWITBG" -Prog 3

      -Tcp_dist 0.05 -Tcp_rot 0.2 -Ext_dist 0.05 -Ext_rot 0.2

      -Name "AUTO" -Tcp_dist 0.5 -Ext_dist 0.5

      -Routine "SYS_RESET" -Shelf "RESET"

      -Routine "sh_power_on" -Shelf "POWER_ON" -Task "MAIN"

      -Routine "sh_start" -Shelf "START" -Task "MAIN"

      -Routine "sh_restart" -Shelf "RESTART" -Task "MAIN"

      -Routine "sh_stop" -Shelf "STOP" -Task "MAIN"

      -Routine "sh_qstop" -Shelf "QSTOP" -Task "MAIN"

      -File "ram1disk:user.sys" -ModName "USER"

      -File "ram1disk:swtimer.sys" -ModName "SWTIMER" -Task "MAIN"

      -File "ram1disk:swusrf.sys" -ModName "SWUSRF" -Task "MAIN"

      -File "ram1disk:swusrc.sys" -ModName "SWUSRC" -Task "MAIN"

      -File "ram1disk:swbase.sys" -ModName "SWBASE" -Task "MAIN"

      -File "ram1disk:swtool.sys" -ModName "SWTOOL" -Task "MAIN"

      -File "ram1disk:swusrc.sys" -ModName "SWUSRC" -Task "SW_SUP"

      -File "ram1disk:swtool.sys" -ModName "SWTOOL" -Task "SW_SUP"

      -File "ram1disk:swsupb.mod" -ModName "SWSUPB" -Task "SW_SUP"

      -File "ram1disk:swtime2.sys" -ModName "SWTIME2" -Task "SW_PROC"

      -File "ram1disk:swusrc.sys" -ModName "SWUSRC" -Task "SW_PROC"

      -File "ram1disk:swtool.sys" -ModName "SWTOOL" -Task "SW_PROC"

      -File "ram1disk:swprcb.mod" -ModName "SWPRCB" -Task "SW_PROC"

      -File "ram1disk:base.sys" -ModName "BASE"

      -File "ram1disk:swit_bg.prg" -ModName "SWIT_BG" -Task "SWITBG"




  • Greetings,

    The problem that you are encountering is this:  Those modules are encrypted or encoded so that you may not read the code.  ABB does not want anyone either stealing the code or otherwise messing around with it.


    Lee Justice