RobotStudio event

Move mechanisms


I am working in a project on robotstudio in which I have four mechanisms, two with 4 joints, and two with only one. I was already seeing the examples in the forum, but I don't understand how works the timers in the VBA. If you can explain me, i'll be happy. My problem is that I don't know what's the function of some things in the code.

I've this in my macro:


Set m2 = ActiveStation.Mechanisms.Item("C_b")
    jointValues = m2.jointValues
    jointValues(0) = 3.14 'Rotational
    jointValues(1) = 0      'Prismatic
    jointValues(2) = 0.05  'Prismatic
    jointValues(3) = 0.05   'Prismatic
    m2.jointValues = jointValues
    jointValues = m2.jointValues

    Set m1 = ActiveStation.Mechanisms.Item("P_b")
    jointValues = m1.jointValues
    jointValues(0) = 0
    m1.jointValues = jointValues
    jointValues = m1.jointValues


My problem is that I have lots of movements whith every mechanism, but
in Robot_studio I only see the last... and don't understand how to use
yours exemples in my case...

Thank You

marcoafeliciano2008-2-17 13:23:25