Instruction templates

Is it possible to program ArcL etc in the station.

The virtual controller has ArcWare and the virtual FlexPendant confirms this but no such instructions found in station.

The Instruction template manager also has no reference to ArcWare Instructions.

Also how could I create Plasma process instructions. this was achievalble in RS4.


  • Hi,

    All motion instructions you have in the controller, you can program in RobotStudio. But you have to create "Process definitions" and "Move instruction descriptions" for them first.

    See the topic "Creating move instruction templates" in the RS help.

    Best regards,
    Anders Spaak
    ABB Robotics
  • Talking about Arc Welding, I would like to take the opportunity to push for the ArcWeld PowerPac. It comes with the required instruction templates and has many valuable features that shortens programming time for arc welding systems. The upcoming 5.10 release is integrated with ABB VirtualArc 1.1, the expert system for automatic selection of arc welding parameters. The parameters suggested are based on advanced physics computations in combination with information from hundreds of test welds all condensed into VirtualArc. VirtualArc supports a selection of arc welding cases, equipment, and steel types.


    Henrik Berlin