V5.x and s4c+

2 questions that I looking for answers to as I am looking to purchase RobotStudio 5.x.  I have both IRC5's and s4c+ controllers and was wondering if v5.x will also work with s4c+'s.

Also....Can SolidWorks 3D files be imported for fixturing?

Thanks for anything you have to offer.




  • Hi,
    RobotStudio 5.x is only for IRC5 controllers, but the rapid language is the same for S4 and IRC5 (except for some instructions that are added or changed in IRC5, e.g. MultiMove and ArcWare).
    So what you can do, is to set up IRC5 controllers for your S4c+ controllers  (provided that the robot model is available for IRC5).
    Unfortunately are the configuration files not the same in S4 and IRC5, so you have to configure I/O signals etc. manually.
    There is no direct import for SolidWorks files, but RS can import ACIS (.sat) which SW can export (I'm using SW myself).


    Anders S2008-3-6 8:27:16
    Best regards,
    Anders Spaak
    ABB Robotics