RS5.09: Offline Prog. Target Orientation

I'm looking
to program an ABB Robot offline using a 3D model. In the help files under:
the target orientation normal to a surface
it asks me to "In the Elements browser,
select the target to modify
". Under my Elements browser I can't see any targets at all? I can see
Paths/Workobjects/Tooldata but no targets? Is there a way to bring up the
targets so I can edit them as outlined in the help file?




  • Hi Damian,

    All targets you have created should be visible under the workobject which was active when you created the targets (wobj0 if you not have made your own workobject).

    To create a target on a 3D model you can for example use the function "Create Target".

    And if you not already have created your own workobject, I strongly recommend that you do that with help of reference points on your 3D model. Otherwise will you not be able to calibrate the program after download to the real robot.

    If you not have done this before I recommend the Online Training on our Software Support Portal

    Best regards,
    Anders Spaak
    ABB Robotics
  • Thanks for the quick reply, I found my problem to be object names, they were too long, well they work on the controller but RS5.09 needs names <16 chars. After changing all my robtargets/routine names, they all began appearing in Elements. Will upgrading to RS5.10 allow the use of more than 16chars ?
  • Hi Damian,

    Support for 32 character RAPID names was enabled in RobotStudio 5.09 SP2. Since we released SP2 for 5.09, we have released RobotStudio 5.10 that replaces 5.09. RobotStudio 5.10 also support 32 character names.

    Kind regards,

    Henrik Berlin