RobotStudio event

Problem with SingArea Wrist


We have two IRB 5400-12 paintrobots that paints windows.I've programmed the robots to be able to paint any kind and size of window. This is archived by using a scanning system and a .NET applicaton that transfer all the data needed to the robots.

This means that sometimes the robots get close to singular points. Or do paths that cross singular points. I haven't so far had any stops/errors on the robots because of this, but it causes the robots to slow down very much and add to much paint.

I can accept small changes in the orientation of the paintgun around singular points, so to solve this problem I initally tought that SingArea Wrist would be a good thing to use. But this seems to cause the robots to be much less accurate also far away from singular points. I've also experienced that the robots do extreme reorientations with the wrist when ax6 is turned close to +/-360 in relation to ax4. Even the robot is far away from singular points.

So my question is:

-Can I change the behavior of SingArea Wrist?

-Is there any way to calculate if a path (point A to B) will pass a singular point? If so, I can easily adjust the orientation of the paint gun in point A and B before moving the robots.


I've uploaded two clips that shows the difference using SignArea Off compared to Wrist here:

The program on both clips are identical and the robot should:

Move to a fixed point to the left.<?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

Move 1000mm to the right and reorient the tool 45 degrees

Reorient the tool 45 degrees 2 times

Wait 2 seconds.


Oyvind2008-3-27 17:39:12
?yvind Birkeland
Frekhaug Vinduet AS