RobotStudio event


While mirroring a program (eg: A ~ B), the external axis uses the same values as the "A" side of mirroring. Is there a way to have the external axis invert to apply a true mirroring effect?

For instance: If I have a weld that requires the 250B positioner to have the following values Axis 2= -90 deg. and Axis 3=35.

When I apply the mirror function, I expect the values to be Axis 2= 90 deg. and Axis 3= -35...

Instead, I get Axis 2= -90 deg. and Axis 3= 35...

I really like the mirroring effect, I just don't want to have to go back in and reteach the angles again...


What can I do to remed this?

Thank you,


Dory England
Ridewell Corp.
Springfield, MO, USA

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