RobotStudio event

Conveyor tracking

Hi all,

I am trying to setup a robot with conveyor tracking and stop the conveyor if the placement into this conveyor is not yet complete before the work object goes past the maximum distance. The robot may or may not yet be attached to the work object.

I imagine this is similar to the enter, start, stop exit windows in PickMaster, with start/stop control enabled. Using this as an example I would like to be able to define a stop window, where if the work object moves past the stop window, the conveyor stops and the robot is allowed to continue to track the conveyor.

I have had a look a previous PickMaster rapid program and I can't even find where the conveyor start output is used in the program!

Essentially, I would like to set a digital output if a work object moves past a defined point, regardless of where the rapid program is up to.




  • I don't know if I have understand very well your question. But here you have:

    If you want to stop the conveyor when the object is in a position, you can create a new task and in this task, you can be continuosly controlling the position of the connected object:

    IF (c1Position > limit) THEN

          SetDO DO_Stop_Cnv, high;


  • hi,

    i want to ask to all of you, who have an experience with conveyor tracking. I 'm trying to use the conveyor tracking. My conveyor is 1200 mm length. My program:

    ActUnit cnv1;


    MoveL waitpos, v1000, fine,tool1;

    WaitWObj wobjcnv1;

    MoveL pos1, v200,z1,tool1wobj:=wobjcnv1;

    MoveL pos2, v200,z1,tool1wobj:=wobjcnv1;

    MoveL pos3, v200,z1,tool1wobj:=wobjcnv1;

    DropwObj wobjcnv1;

    GOTO loop;


    I have calibrate it, and now, I'm trying to find the best value for the parameter: startwinwidth,Syncseparation,Maxdistance, and the queuedistance.But there is a problem.

    when I start it, the robot only can do until the pos1. and then it become error that said: can not connect to WObj.  How can it come? Why the wobj can disconnect immediately ?

    What parameters can cause that error?

    Please help me...

    indah carmila

  • ActUnit cnv1;
    MoveL waitpos, v1000, fine,tool1;
    WaitWObj wobjcnv1;
    MoveL pos1, v200,z1,tool1wobj:=wobjcnv1:
    MoveL pos2, v200,Fine,tool1wobj:=wobjcnv1;
    MoveL pos3, v200,Fine,tool1wobj:=wobjcnv1;
    DropwObj wobjcnv1;
    GOTO loop;
    Pl use fine in zone , y
    our program will work
  • thank you for your advice.image
    indah carmila
  • hi,

    i have the program with conveyor tracking option. we will change the tool orientation. in last program the tool (axis6) = -180 degree, and now we want to make axis 6 become 0 degree.

    If i don't want to change my program, can i only change the axis6 orientation? How to do it?

    Can I only modpos every movement, with the new axis configuration?

    How do I change the tool orientation in the movement when robot is connected to the wobjcnv1? (I've try before, but i can't, the tool orientation's is still the same)

    indah carmila
  • problem solved.I don't know why in the past time, i can't modpos the position. But, now, i can modpos the movement. for the object that connected to wobjcnv1, i run the conveyor, so the c1connected become1 then i go to the position that i want to change. Change the orientation and press the modpos. it done!image


    indah carmila