RobotStudio event

Version compability



I've created a application for FP 5.10.
I intended to uppgrad the robotsystem to RW5.10 but it turns out that it's only possible to uppgrade to RW5.09.

Will I have any problems to run my 5.10 application on a 5.09 controller?
(In my virtual controller RS5.10 with a system built with RW5.09 it runs well)

Best Regards

         Magnus Johnson

M Johnson2008-5-15 7:41:18


  • Ingela


    There are no breaking changes between RAB 5.10 and RAB 5.09, which your application will use in runtime. So, unless you use functionality that is new in RAB 5.10 (check the Release Notes) it should work.
    Be aware, however, that this is not a scenario that is officially supported. You must test that it works in RS 5.09 and also on a real FlexPendant running with RW 5.09.



    Best regards,

    Ingela Brorsson
    Software Engineer
    ABB Robotics, Sweden