RobotStudio event

IRMQMessage not available in RAPID


When using the "Messaging domain" example of RAB's manual [code]CONNECT connectnum WITH RABMsgs;

IRMQMessage flag, connectnum;
[/code]with the IRC5 I get the following error.

[quote]Error 161 : Option is missing. : The instruction IRMQMessage requires the option FlexPendant Interface.[/quote]

I DO use the required "FlexPendant Interface" option (see picture) in
RobotStudio so what is wrong?  Restarting RobotStudio and the
controller did not chance anything.



  • RussD
    Maybe it doesn't work with Virtual IRC5, but also it is not implemented for the FlexPendant until 5.11.
    Russell Drown
  • Ingela


    It should work with Virtual IRC5. I see that you are using virtual keys for the robot system and wonder if this might be the the reason for failure. I will come back to you with more information, meanwhile you can test using real keys. (Or if possible a real robot system).

    (The system parameter RmqType must be set to Remote to allow messaging between RAPID and PC SDKas described in User's Guide.) 

    (Also, as Russ mentions the FP SDK, the same functionality in the FP SDK will not be public for everyone to use in 5.11. Before releasing it we will hide some of the complexity in sending the data for SDK users. It is rather tricky today, as hinted in User's Guide:

    NOTE!The IpcMessage.Data is set and retrieved as a byte array, SetData(byte[] data) and byte[] GetData(). This means you must convert the message data string to a byte array before calling the SetData method. It may look like this in C#:Byte[] data = new UTF8Encoding().GetBytes("string;"Hello world"");

    Best regards,

    Ingela Brorsson
    Software Engineer
    ABB Robotics, Sweden
  • MaWi81

    Problem "solved": Cold start required to change the system's options. Warm start does not change the options. Thank you anyway and sorry for wasting your time..

    MaWi812008-5-20 13:57:59